Seeing double and triple numbers like 111, 11:11, 2:22, 333, 444, 1234 and more…

In this post I’m going to deviate somewhat from my common practice of posting about things directly related to my websites, my projects, my family, my business, and my goals. Today I’m going to talk a little bit about something I’ve been experiencing for quite some time now, almost every single day, that only a few very close friends and family know about. I haven’t talked about it out loud very much or to very many people because I didn’t understand what it meant or what to do with it. Well today (Thursday, August 3, 2017) I saw the number 222 three times in relation to Lana Vawser’s posts, and I said something about it in the comments and one of her fans shared this link with me.

[EDIT NOTE: The original website is no longer available. This link points to a saved page on the Internet Archive now.] This link is a game changer for me. This is the first time I have seen answers that make sense and are grounded on scripture! I had of course researched it on my own many times, but I kept coming up with some wild, far-out ideas that did not feel right in my spirit, and some were outright wrong, like praying to angels. NOPE! Not happening! But this website has Biblical answers, and the descriptions make sense to me. So much so that I’m sharing it here now so others can find the link to it on my page.

This first started happening to me in late December, 2013. When I first encounted the triple numbers they happened like a countdown. Three days before New Years I saw the number 444 several times, it seemed strange but not yet profound. Then two days before New Years I saw the number 333 several times, and started to get a weird feeling. The day before New Years I saw the number 222 several times and got a really anxious feeling, wondering what was going to happen next! New Years Eve I did not see any more triple numbers and thought maybe I was just imagining it before. But then an hour after midnight (so I guess technically New Year’s day) while at a friend’s Christian celebration, I saw the number 1:11 on my phone. It was so shocking (I was looking at my phone for other reasons) that I took a screenshot of it. Every day since that day I have been seeing double and triple numbers in different places. Yes, much of the time it’s on a clock, but not always on the clock, sometimes in the post counter that says how many comments there are, sometimes on license plates, sometimes on the grocery recipt… they come from all different sources, definitely not something I can schedule or plan to happen on my own. It’s far beyond coincidence, it happens so often.

God is not silent. He is alive. And He still communicates with His people. He is Creator. He is creative. Sometimes He communicates in creative ways. If you are among the growing number of people who have been seeing double and triple numbers and particular seqences, then maybe this link will help you too. I pray the Lord blesses you for visiting my webpage today.


Here is another voice of truth for additional insight.

Here hs a video on the topic that is very good.